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Research: Welcome


 Roles for alpha-Synuclein in Clathrin-Mediated Synaptic Vesicle Recycling 

Exploring the normal function of alpha-synuclein in synaptic vesicle recycling using mouse and lamprey models.
In an independent research project, Roles for alpha-synuclein in Clathrin-Mediated Synaptic Vesicle recycling (NIH/NINDS 1R03NS116646-01A1), I am exploring the physiological function of alpha synuclein. I want to find a complete mechanism for the effects of synuclein on clathrin mediated endocytosis. I am using super resolution and electron microscopy. the pathology in the synapse before it spread.

Research: Projects


Physiological functions of Synuclein

At Yale University I discovered the potential of studying neurodegenerative disease using different techniques. I research the physiological functions of synucleins in triple knock out mouse. I described for the first time that synuclein normal function is to modulate synaptic vesicle endocytosis. Since then several laboratories have confirmed my findings and even further describe the pathological effects of synuclein on synaptic vesicle endocytosis.

Research: Projects
Research: Pro Gallery


I worked in different laboratories in the study of the nervous system. I succeeded producing original papers using different techniques such as histology, biochemistry, cell biology and molecular biology. Due to my training as a biochemist (equivalent to master in biochemistry) I have the ability to set up new techniques contribute to the enrichment of my investigation. As part of my graduate thesis I developed an original work which led to several publications. My biggest success in the trafficking research of neuronal receptors was showing for the first time that GABAB receptors are endocytose in neurons and this phenomenon is not controlled by GABA but by glutamate. As a recent graduate I wanted to continue my scientific career and develop a postdoctoral project that will allow me to continue my studies in endocytic trafficking in neurons and its impact on neuronal function as well as the implications of failures in these mechanisms in certain pathologies.

Research: Projects
Research: Pro Gallery


GABAB receptors

I developed an undergraduate thesis working with Dr Carlos Gonzalez at the Austral University of Chile. I studied the expression of Vasopressin receptor at different states of brain development. I got my first publication and I found my passion for science.

Research: Projects
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